Northbrook ESD 27 in Cook county
Teachers in Northbrook ESD 27 have an average of 14.5 years of experience. They earn an average of $80433 and 84.7% have a master's degree or higher level of education.
District average | State average | |
ISAT2 (%) | 96.0 | 80.9 |
PSAE3 (%) | — | — |
ACT4 | — | — |
Operating expenses per student ($)
Funding source | % of total | % statewide |
Local property taxes | 91.0 | 58.4 |
Local, other sources | 2.1 | 6.9 |
General state aid | 1.0 | 14.5 |
Other state funding | 3.2 | 8.3 |
Federal funding | 2.7 | 11.9 |
Showing 4 schools in Northbrook ESD 27
Middle schools (1)
School | Students | % low- income1 | ISAT rank2 (percentile) | First-grade class size | Fifth-grade class size |
Northbrook | 232 | 0.4 | (100.0% meet/exceed) | 17.7 | — |
Northbrook | 288 | 0.0 | (92.7% meet/exceed) | 16.0 | — |
Northbrook | 258 | 2.3 | (94.8% meet/exceed) | — | 19.9 |
School | Students | % low- income1 | ISAT rank2 (percentile) | Sixth-grade class size |
Northbrook | 433 | 3.2 | (96.8% meet/exceed) | 17.0 |
1. | Low-income: Students whose families’ earnings meet federal poverty guidelines qualify to receive a free or reduced-price school meal. This also ensures that school fees and registration costs are waived. |
2. | ISAT: In Illinois, third- through eighth-grade students take the Illinois Standards Achievement Test, or ISAT, every spring. They are quizzed on reading, math and science. Student scores on the exams are broken down by student race and income levels. |
3. | PSAE: Illinois high school juniors take the Prairie State Achievement Exam, or PSAE. The two-day exam includes the ACT college entrance exam and the ACT Work Keys, a math and reading exam that measures real-world skills. |
4. | ACT: Illinois high school juniors take the ACT college entrance exam as part of the state assessment. The exam measures student performance in English, reading, math and science. Illinois became the first state to mandate the college test for all juniors in 2002. |
5. | Federal standards: Under the federal No Child Left Behind law, schools are measured by how well students – as tracked by race, income and other factors – score on state standardized exams. If one group of students fails to meet federal expectations, the school faces sanctions that could include replacing teachers or closing the school. |
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